

REPAIRWALA, Repair It All!!! offering Repair Services at your Doorstep, so you no need to anywhere. From Wood Work to Glass Work, from Electronics Appliances to Electric Appliances, from Construction to Welding & even Aluminum jobs, From Plumber stuff to Painting jobs, offering you our services in almost every field. It's not just offering about services, it's about building relations with the one who choose us. We know the value of your time & comfort, so we work seamlessly to provide the best in town services.

The Main purpose of this project is to develop a service offering app that can update the schema in real-time. So, for that purpose, we have integrated it with Firebase. RepairWala app is in two modules, the one is for the client side & the other is for the server side. The Client-side app is for the application launching & account management purpose. Client-Side app is being designed to create a new user along with the sign in facility. The User can also manage his/her profile using the Update Profile activity. the whole backbone for this project is Firebase & the data is being updated & retrieved in Realtime so the user can be updated with all the events happening with the account & all the information regarding the new services. The Client-side app offers 10 different repair Services along with the report issue feature to report capabilities. The one of the great features of RepairWala is of "My Complaints" section that updates the user Previous complaints as soon as they are updated by the admin. The User is also get notified if any change occurs in the Complaints section.

The other part is the Admin Side App. This side of the RepirWala is designed specifically for the Admin who can control the new complaints & update their status to get in touch with the User & to Notify the user about the new changes, if they are being made. The Admin can view new Orders & can also view the reported Issues. I believe that We can make more better changes by the feedback we get. So, the Report Issue point will lead us to the top levels so that we can improve the service as well as the App to make it work more efficient.


  • Alpha Studio

  • 2017