Causal Foundry SDKs

Causal Foundry is an AI/ML Platform working to democratize reinforcement learning and adaptive interventions to personalize e-commerce, medicine, healthcare delivery, and patient support for improved health outcomes
As a Senior Software Engineer leading the efforts for SDK and Mobile app development for Causal Foundry's AI/ML Platform, my role was focused on building the SDK that would help in ingestion and interventions for the Causal Foundry (CF) platform. The SDK serves as the gateway for collecting essential information from partner applications, capturing various predefined events such as app openings, closures, or background, and app usage durations for each screen. Additionally, it tracks user interactions with specific app features tailored to diverse partner domains, spanning e-commerce, e-learning, and healthcare access in underserved areas.
Developed in Kotlin for optimal performance on Android, CF SDK leverages native resources like WorkManagers for efficient task scheduling and event ingestion. Beyond data gathering, it also facilitates timely nudges to users, auto-logging their responses, and providing Call To Action (CTAs)—whether they engage with push notifications, dismiss nudges, or block them. These nudges encompass a spectrum of forms, including push notifications, in-app messages, and in-app content-based nudges to support the needs of the CF AI/ML Platform.
The SDK prioritizes seamless integration, offering comprehensive documentation tailored to each partner's use case to streamline development. To minimize package size, we segment functionality into distinct modules tailored to specific niches like core functionality, e-commerce, e-learning, loyalty programs, payments, and community health worker management.
I also worked extensively on building the SDK for iOS from scratch using Swift while leveraging the iOS native frameworks for data ingestions such as BGTaskScheduler to ensure optimal performance for data logging based on the device resources.
Moreover, to extend the reach to React Native applications, opted for a bridging approach, leveraging the underlying Android and iOS SDKs with a TypeScript wrapper for React Native integration. This strategy not only expedites development and release cycles but also centralized network and data management for enhanced efficiency and maintainability with the Android Native SDK published on Maven Central, and iOS on Cocoapods while the React Native SDK an NPM Package. Also worked on the JS SDK to support websites for the partners to ingest events and also help with intervention nudges.
In summary, CF SDK is a versatile tool designed to empower developers and advance healthcare outcomes through AI-driven insights, fostering collaboration and innovation in global health initiatives.
Note: All Rights regarding this app are subject to Causal Foundry, including all Assets, Design, and Code.